As of July 18, 2018, The annual cicada chorus is strong and loud in Southern Maryland with the following species calling:
- Neocicada hieroglyphica (June 5)
- N. tibicen (June 22)
- N. lyricen (June 24)
- N. linnei (June 27)
- N. robinsoniana (June 30)
- N. davsi (July 15)
N. auletes has not been heard yet here this season.
On the Eastern Shore, the following species are calling:
- D. viridifascia (June 10)
- N. hieroglyphica
- N. lyricen (June 19)
- N. tibicen (June 21)
Date: 2018-09-19 13:28:21
Name: Lela
Location: Baltimore
Description: Dead
Date: 2018-09-10 23:14:14
Name: Cathleen Ganzel
Location: Palmyra
Description: One dead Silver-Bellied Cicada. Cicada calling.
Date: 2018-09-07 09:18:31
Name: Leigh Penfield
Location: Crofton, MD
Description: Noted several dead circads on sidewalks and a live cirada flying around on our deck before it settled on the deck just sitting. Took photo, can send as needed.
Date: 2018-09-04 10:41:02
Name: Rob
Location: Bethesda, MD
Description: Loud cicada noise in the early morning hours on Del Ray Avenue near Rugby Avenue in downtown Bethesda
Date: 2018-09-03 15:09:55
Name: Starling
Location: Laurel, MD
Description: One dead on driveway. One alive on kitchen window.
Date: 2018-09-03 13:03:27
Name: Beth
Location: Shady dise, maryland
Description: Theyre flying around. Sticking to our screen porch
Date: 2018-09-01 14:31:25
Name: J. Sebastian
Location: MD, Howard, North Laurel
Description: Hearing cicadas (a few, not a chorus). Haven’t seen them on trees, but have seen a squirrel eat 1; dog caught 2.
Date: 2018-08-30 23:26:48
Name: Sharon Gilbert
Location: Maryland, Howard, Laurel
Description: Very loud up in the trees. Seen a few in the grass as of today 8/30/2018.
Date: 2018-08-30 03:35:00
Name: Richardas Vitkauskas
Location: Baltimore
Description: Blue eyed cicada flying around at night time landed on my screen door
Date: 2018-08-29 03:29:11
Name: Carol
Location: West haven, CT
Description: A few crawling outside in back yard and some on the window by the light.
Date: 2018-08-28 23:09:13
Name: Megan Christine Pinkerton
Location: Morehead City
Description: Over 11 cycada shells on one tree.
Date: 2018-08-28 15:58:38
Name: Matt Gacheny
Location: Towson, Baltimore County, MD
Description: Neotibicen robinsoniana heard calling on Pleasant Plains Road around 1700 on 27 August 2018
Date: 2018-08-28 15:17:02
Name: Sabrina Powell
Location: Washington, DC
Description: A cicada just flew onto my window screen. It was huge. It crawled up the window for a bit, rested then flew away. OMG I have a phobia of these things. It had black eyes kind of looked like the one featured in the banner.
Date: 2018-08-27 14:40:54
Name: Barb
Location: New Jersey, Monmouth
Description: empty exoskeletons, one live Cicada, underside was BRIGHT white.
Date: 2018-08-27 02:08:39
Name: Jennifer Lockhart
Location: Maryland, Calvert, Lusby
Description: It flew into my house. After several attempts, I caught it in a mason jar and put it outside. I also found an exoskeleton while mowing my lawn.
Date: 2018-08-27 00:03:48
Name: Cathleen Ganzel
Location: Palmyra
Description: Evening chorus in exurban area of Fluvanna County, VA. Unknown variety.
Date: 2018-08-25 13:30:27
Name: Mark Strouthes
Location: Arnold
Description: Lots of singing since July. Many nymph shells in my yard. Saw several flying.
Date: 2018-08-22 15:48:42
Name: Katie
Location: Palatine Illinois
Description: Loud at night. I saw one but it was only a carcus I’m not sure if was worth reporting but I’ve learned any little thing can and might be useful. It looked like the ones I saw in Maryland when I was a little younger.
Date: 2018-08-21 23:24:39
Name: TERI
Location: North BRUNSWICK
Description: I have a large one in my store
Date: 2018-08-20 03:28:33
Name: Shawn
Location: Morgan County, IN
Description: Northern Dusk Cicada flew from Pin Oak tree down to ground- singly loudly, I was able to see it’s white abdomen since it landed upside down! I gently flipped over and it took flight, 6pm
Date: 2018-08-19 23:58:23
Name: Valerie henry
Location: NJ Old Bridge
Description: I found a shell on my sons play set I went to capture it not knowing what exactly it was at first. It was only the shell.
Date: 2018-08-18 23:53:24
Name: Marge heltzman
Location: New Jersey Atlantic Highlands
Description: Loud n strong 2nd week of August.
Date: 2018-08-18 14:43:24
Name: Cathy
Location: Maryland, Hagerstown
Date: 2018-08-17 13:52:26
Name: Mary B
Location: Severn/Glen Burnie MD
Description: Megatibicen auletes
Date: 2018-08-17 11:04:19
Name: Mrs. Park
Location: Maryland, Baltimore City
Description: Found two cicadas in past week.
Date: 2018-08-17 04:35:14
Name: Pamela W
Location: Linthicum Heights
Description: 2 cicadas on my back sidewalk and 2 more by my back door when I got home tonight.
Date: 2018-08-17 03:45:51
Name: Shemika
Location: Columbia
Description: Found a cicada in my living room.
Date: 2018-08-15 14:27:01
Name: Debby Spotten
Location: Hagerstown
Description: Multiple sightings for at least a week. They are numerous and loud.
Date: 2018-08-10 12:43:41
Name: Martha Loverde
Location: MD, Montgomery, Germantown
Description: Cicadas now loud for almost a week and still going strong in the daytime.
Date: 2018-08-09 13:18:49
Name: EJ
Location: Crofton
Description: At least 50 on wood fence
Date: 2018-08-09 00:31:09
Name: Toni
Location: NJ, Ocean County, Toms River
Description: My puppy found one in the grass.
Date: 2018-08-07 10:57:12
Name: Bradley Hieber
Location: Haslett, MI
Description: Fresh cicada and shell in my window well.
Date: 2018-08-07 09:27:13
Name: Caron Salkin
Location: Medford, NJ
Description: Single cicada adult found on son’s car
Date: 2018-08-07 00:24:31
Name: Nicole Russ
Location: Columbia, MD
Description: I hear them all around outside my place. Found a skin as well.
Date: 2018-08-05 23:21:39
Name: Amy
Location: NJ. Union. Summit
Description: Loud and white undersides.
Date: 2018-08-04 06:10:00
Name: Chelsea
Location: Indiana
Description: Emerging since aug 1st .
Date: 2018-08-01 02:31:34
Name: Michael Stecher
Location: White Hall md
Date: 2018-07-26 22:18:21
Name: Matthew J Godwin
Location: North East, Maryland
Description: Sighting of a couple Northern Dusk Singing Cicadas in North East, Maryland during the morning of July 26.
Date: 2018-07-23 16:27:20
Name: aleksandra Jeschke
Location: pasadena
Description: all around gallatin’s woods, and jacob’s woods….off ft. smallwood rd
Date: 2018-07-22 18:39:35
Name: P
Location: Pasadena MD
Description: swarming in our front yard
Date: 2018-07-20 19:14:35
Name: Sue L
Location: MD, Anne Arundel., Pasadena
Description: Eating on patio tree.
Date: 2018-07-18 17:58:43
Name: Tammy Claxton
Location: Glen Burnie
Description: Hundreds swarming in my back yard and my neighbors. Flying low to the ground and the birds are going nuts chasing them.
Date: 2018-06-13 18:29:39
Name: Paula L Helm
Location: Auburndale Florida
Date: 2018-06-07 22:06:40
Name: Matthew Gacheny
Location: Port Deposit, Maryland
Description: Periodical cicadas heard calling near Port Deposit, Maryland, Cecil County around 30 May 2018; periodical cicada nymphs also uncovered
Date: 2018-05-25 16:10:45
Name: Douglas M Kolodny-Hirsch, Ph.D.
Location: Pikesville, Maryland 21208
Description: One newly emerged adult periodic cicada on recently planted Inkberry Holly. Wings fully expanded.
Date: 2018-05-25 03:21:30
Name: E.Taylor
Location: Rockville, MD
Description: kids on insect study found a periocdical cicada (red eyes/yellow-gold wing veins ) in meadow
Date: 2018-04-21 17:29:17
Name: Bo
Location: Pinole Regional Park, CA
Description: Massive Cicada Singing